Puma Heritage Estate Planning Service

Open for investment


Capital losses to date


Tax Efficient Review

December 2023


Puma Heritage Estate Planning Service (EPS) is an investment solution that aims to provide investors with 100% relief from inheritance tax after two years. It invests your funds in private trading companies seeking stable returns. High-quality assets underpin these companies and have a conservative trading strategy.

Six reasons to choose the Puma Heritage EPS

We believe that the following six features make Puma Heritage EPS a compelling investment for investors looking to manage their estate tax efficiently. 


Track record




Institutional grade lending


Independent oversight




A positive impact

1. Track record

Consistently delivering in excess of our target return of 3% pa, with 0% capital losses to date. Our expert in-house team has been through the 2008 financial crisis and the pandemic, when we continued to deliver consistent returns.

Please see our latest quarterly report for performance data since inception.

2. Liquidity

By investing in companies focused on short-term secured property loans the Service regularly generates cash, creating natural liquidity. This makes it easier for you to access your investment, should you choose to.

3. Institutional grade lending

We have an established institutional grade in-house lending team that has secured £500 million in funding lines from institutional investors. This provides reassurance that our processes, systems and controls have been thoroughly tested to institutional standards.

4. Independent oversight

Puma Heritage Ltd benefits from an independent Board of experienced senior directors with substantial lending expertise. Every loan requires the approval of the Board.

5. Diversification

Highly diversified across different geographies and sectors throughout the UK and different loan terms. This helps us maintain a conservative risk profile.

6. A positive impact

An investment strategy that makes a positive impact on communities across the UK, lending to developments that help improve social infrastructure.

Track record

Puma Investments, together with its subsidiary, Puma Property Finance Limited, has been involved in secured lending for over 15 years.

As Investment Manager to the Service, Puma Investments advises the Service’s portfolio companies, helping these companies to identify, due diligence, execute, and monitor high-quality transactions.

The Service’s portfolio companies benefit from the multi-disciplinary in-house expertise at Puma Investments, which comprises experienced underwriters, legal, finance, and risk professionals. The Puma Heritage Estate Planning Service invests in private trading companies, including Puma Heritage Ltd, that have a conservative trading strategy focused on secured lending.

Consistent growth of Net Asset Value (NAV) per share


Key Stats

new loans made in this quarter


total shareholder return for growth shares in the 12 months to 31 March 20241


weighted average LTV


The performance data in the graph shows Puma Heritage Ltd’s shareholder return net of ongoing annual fees payable to Puma Investments. It does not take account of initial or dealing fees associated with investing in the Puma Heritage EPS. The graph shows the net asset value performance of the growth shares in Puma Heritage Ltd on the same basis.


1 The total shareholder return is calculated using the net asset value of Puma Heritage Ltd, and is net of ongoing annual fees payable to Puma Investments. It does not take account of initial and dealing fees associated with investing in the Puma Heritage EPS. 


Note: Past performance is no indication of future results, and share prices and their values can go down as well as up. Please refer to the fees further down the page. Figures correct at 31 March 2024 and may be subject to rounding errors. Source: Puma Heritage Ltd.

Puma Heritage Limited most recent NAV

These values are shown as estimates, as they have not been audited. To find the annual audited figures please see the Puma Heritage Limited Annual Accounts.




Estimated NAV per Growth Share

Estimated NAV per Income Share

Figures correct at 30 June 2024. Note: Past performance is no indication of future results and share prices and their values can go down as well as up. Source: Puma Heritage Ltd.

Full historical NAV data for Puma Heritage Limited can be found here.

Sector breakdown of loans

% of amount deployed


Figures correct at 31 March 2024 and may be subject to rounding errors. Source: Puma Heritage Ltd. Past performance is no indication of future results, and share prices and their values can go down as well as up.

  • 1
    Care homes
  • 2
    Student accommodation
  • 3
    Retirement living
  • 4
    Serviced apartments
  • 5
  • 6
    Life Sciences
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
    Mixed use
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12

Independent expert oversight

Portfolio companies benefit from an independent Board comprising highly experienced senior independent directors, panels of expert professional advisers, and independently audited.



Michael Posen

Chairman, Puma Heritage Ltd

Graeme Alfille-Cook

Director, Puma Heritage Ltd

Michael van Messel

Director, Puma Heritage Ltd

Fees and charges



of the application amount



applied to the purchase and sale of shares in portfolio companies


0.5% + VAT pa

of the Net Asset Value of each portfolio company

Note: The private trading companies, in which Puma Heritage EPS invests, are responsible for their operating costs including audit, directors’ and administration fees. Puma Investments may receive transaction, monitoring, business support and administration fees from private trading companies in the Service's portfolio. For Puma Heritage Ltd, these fees equate to a monitoring fee of 0.8% plus VAT of the aggregate amount of loans in respect of which a portfolio company is currently acting as lender, a business support fee of 0.9% plus VAT of the gross asset value of the Company and an administration fee of 0.4% plus VAT. Please refer to the Investment Overview for the Service for full details.

Risk factors

An investment in the Service carries risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Investors can only invest in the Service through a financial adviser who has assessed that an investment in the Service is suitable.

Past performance: Past performance is no indication of future results and share prices and their values can go down as well as up.

Tax reliefs are not guaranteed: Tax reliefs depend on individuals’ personal circumstances and minimum holding periods, and may be subject to change.

You may lose money: An investment in smaller companies is likely to be higher risk than other investments. Investors’ capital may be at risk and investors may get back less than their original investment.

Long-term investment: An investment in the Service should be considered a long-term investment.

Potentially illiquid investment: Private trading company shares are illiquid. They are characterised by significant spreads and low trading volumes. It may prove difficult for investors to realise immediately or in full proceeds from the sale of such shares.

Life protection: Life protection for the Puma Heritage Estate Planning Service is subject to certain conditions, if these conditions are not met in full then Puma Investments will not be paid out and so no payment will be made to beneficiaries.

Figures on this page are taken from Puma Investments and are correct as of 31 March 2024 unless stated otherwise.